Monday, September 21, 2009

So Ends the Summer...

Almost three months since my last post, and there's too much to tell what went on during them. Let's leave it at there being some major changes in my life and in the lives around me, but not to the point anyone died or got a criminal record.

Oh, and I bought a motorcycle. More on this later.

At any rate, life is settling back into something that resembles stability for me, and things are starting to get accomplish again. I have a clean desk, a distraction free-work area (sometimes the previous two are even the same thing at once) and as of yesterday, an expanded set of shelves for my books. I'm dangerously out of excuses why I never draw things.

Speaking of, while not an entirely dry period of arts, I have come to a bit of an epiphany about my skills as an artist - I have more to 'unlearn' than I suspected, to purge myself of all the damn shortcuts I've built up over the years. It's time to start taking this seriously, or stop trying at all.

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