Monday, October 5, 2009

Hour 3: Rebooting from the Road

I did some sloppy inking last night. I was pretty stressed over the 12 hours prior to it, it looked terrible, and to top it off I lost it in the shuffle of trying to find my wallet last minute before going out for pizza and a movie. So we'll skip it and start the hour fresh.

I stayed overnight with my friends (I don't ride my motorcycle after dark), and ended up taking the long way back home this morning. I took a mountain pass and hit up a small town diner for breakfast, and I took my sketchbook and a pen inside and made my hour worth of drawing memorable.

Actually, it was funny, as the woman at the counter seat next to me noticed and complimented me on my art, which in more halcyonic days would have made my head swell. Instead, I explained what I was practicing and showed her how I did it, and it led to all those heads. I am pleased that I did them completely from scratch!

Tonight I will continue drawing.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


It's cool, it's cool. I have a couple more pages done, need to scan them. The dinner I worked at tonight caused me incredible amounts of stress that I shan't get into. I will resume my vigil in the morning.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


Ha, fie on you, 24HCD! I am going to get a few hours of sleep. BUT! Here's hour two of my vigil, such as it is:

Oh, Q... - Page three is me getting into some... I dunno, SOMETHING. Angry Sax is turning into my unofficial avatar, slowly. Almost makes me wish I was the one who created it.

Page Four - Eh, some faces of Lyster that kinda... meh. I teetered into the realm of Loomis figure drawing.

Loomis Day: Hour the FIRST!

In interest of saving your poor browser the trouble, click these here links!

Page one: 'warm up' - In which I doodle some random faces, and come up with Charles Manson, an old elf, the nice lady receptionist at the VA hospital in Albany, and the asshole poacher from "Rescuers Down Under", I guess.

Page two: '"blook" practice' - Loomis calls the basic circle with lines a 'blook' to which noses, ears, cheeks, and chin can and will be added - which Loomis recommends is done roughly in that order (hence my odd "head down" comment there)

So far so good - I am actually on my fourth page now, I forgot I had to post these!

Friday, October 2, 2009

24 HOURS (worth) OF LOOMIS

Yeah, the third of October is 24 Hour Comics Day. Like always, I nearly missed a webcartoonist 'holiday' mostly on the account that I am not really a webcartoonist, just a big kid playing as one. BUT, rather than let THIS year's slip away like the last... well, how many years they have been doing it? Okay.


Yeah, I have other plans in the next 24 hours. There is a dinner being thrown by my American Legion post that I can't miss, because those pots don't scrub themselves, kids. BUT, rather than make it all or nothing, I am just going to do 24 hours WORTH of comics (in other words, non-consecutive) within the next couple of days, which will allow me to fulfill my Kitchen Patrol duties AND have me sleep deprived enough to make my date on Sunday nervous. Oh joy! It'll be practice for next year's, I guess.

So, what I am going to do is study out of my Loomis books, and draw for an hour (or hours) and post the results of each hour here. I want to see if I can squeeze 24 posts out within three days, starting... shit, I better get started. :V

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Tools of Yestermorrow

Since I began college and my mind started lusting for drawing a webcomic without doing any actual effort, I also began acquiring an embarrassment of things that I would use once, then sporadically, or neglect them altogether. I have a German technical pen set that I bought in an Kurdish shopping mall during my tour there. I have a pristine, never used ink pen and a set of nibs. I have some vellum still in its unopened box, hailing from my days as a drafting student, 9 years whence.

To be fair, I have moved from place to place many times over the last decade, and for one year, out of the damn country. Shit gets churned under after a while.

Gotta inventory them all and get usin' what still works. Tools don't make the carpenter, however.