Monday, June 27, 2011

Failing at Failing Art - REBIRTH

This blog is being pressed back into service, effective immediately.

It's been a long couple of mon- wait, it's 2011 now? Jesus. Anyway, I'm working on getting things online in a more timely manner.

The main catalysis is I have begun finishing up pages of my new comic, Upstate Hero. It's just like Upstate, with 78% less wall of text and bad photoshop. I'll be posting previews on my tumblr, which is I plan on deconstructing each page of Upstate to point out each and every fuck-up, which assuredly be many.

the other? I'm going to be in a drinking game that apparently is going to be linked on Something Awful. It's about a comic done by some guy who now has some kind of web-program these days. And speaking as someone who has had a shitty comic online, I plan on being fair - but firm.

You can check it out at